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Lead Poisoning Prevention
Florida Department of Health in Gadsden County
- 850-875-7200
- GCHDMailbox@flhealth.gov
850-875-7210 -
Mailing Address
278 LaSalle LeFall Drive
Quincy, FL 32351
Lead is a naturally occurring metal that has been used to make many products. Lead poisoning occurs when too much lead gets into the body and can be a serious but preventable health problem.
Some of the most common sources of lead are:
- House Paint and Lead Contaminated Dust
- Tap Water
- Soil
- Mini-blinds
- Lead Crystal, Lead Glazed Pottery and Dishes
- Toys and jewelry made in other countries
Lead poisoning is a serious, yet preventable health problem. For more information and referrals please contact an Environmental Health Specialist at 850-875-7200. For frequently asked questions, please visit the Florida Health Information for Parents and Caregivers web page.
There are several things you can do to protect your children from exposure to lead.
- Wash children's hands with soap and water before meals and bedtime.
- Do not cook or store food and liquid in lead crystal or imported old pottery.
- Eat foods that are rich in calcium, iron, vitamin C and low in fat.
- Have your water tested.
- Have your home and any items that may contain lead tested.
- Have your child tested, even if they appear healthy.
- Clean floors, window frames, window sills, and other surfaces weekly.
- Do not let your child chew on anything that is covered with lead paint.
- If you work with lead, change your clothes and shower before handling children.
- Hire a professional to remove any lead paint from your home.
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